
Design for Etsy Order ETSY
Design for Etsy Order
If you've already purchased a puzzle on Etsy you can use this site to design your puzzle. (If you haven't purchased yet, feel free to order here if you want, they're both made by me! -Sara)
Click on the Change Products link and find the puzzle you ordered.
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Laser Engraved from
Standard shipping to you is free for all orders over $75 deliverd to US addresses.
We try to ship all orders within 16 business days. If you are sending us your device we will try to ship it back the same or next day as long as your artwork is ready to go.
If you need to receive an item by a certain date please add a note stating when you need your order received. Faster shipping is recommended as well.
Minimum purchase | Discount |
2 + items | 15.0% |
25 + items | 30.0% |
50 + items | 35.0% |
100 + items | 40.0% |
250 + items | 42.0% |